Jason and I have been doing a lot of praying and talking. We feel the Lord has guided us to our decision not to do
IVF in the Fall. Instead we feel He is leading us to Foster to Adopt. We are very excited about this. We went to an
orientation class they offered. We sat
for 3 hours, lots of information and were given a folder full of paperwork and an application. We are currently filling out our paperwork & application as you read this. In the State of Washington they require you to take 32hrs of P.R.I.D.E. training classes. So, on June 5
th we will have our first class. Our classes are every Sat & Sun in June. Sometimes I get a feeling of taking to many turns on our Journey, like we say one thing then turn and say something & do something else. My heart feels so unsure when I listen to my head and not turn to the Lord to stop and listen. Well we stopped and listened. We prayed and both came to the decision together. For those of you who know us, we have a habit of coming to a
decision together. Sometimes on the same day or same time. We truly feel blessed to have that connection.
I want to Praise the Lord today. He has done some
incredible healing in my heart. In the past couple of days and a few more to follow, I have an opportunity to babysit a 3mo old baby girl. I am praising the Lord because I don't feel a tug in my heart where my "Mommy" part is. Now don't get me wrong. I WANT to be a "Mommy" and I know that He has a plan for us. What I'm saying is I can go home at the end of the day and not cry. I'll be with this precious baby for 1 more week. It's amazing to me, believe me when I say this. In the past when I would go home from babysitting I would be upset. Knowing that when I got home my arms would be empty, along with our home. No laughter, no running around of little ones. These last couple of years He has healed us. We are at such peace. Like I said, "I want to be a Mommy". I don't need to give birth to a child to become one. There are so many little one's out there that need a home. Well we have one and it's filled with lots of love to give. So, we ask that you pray with us on our exciting journey.
Jason & Christina